GPS2IP can communicate with other devices by acting as a BLE peripheral
You can connect to GPS2IP with a device that uses BLE technology.
BLE is available if your device supports Bluetooth 4.0 or greater.
All iPhones after the 4s support this version, as well asBoth the device running GPS2IP and the other device must support BLE to be able to use this method!
BLE is NOT 'normal' Bluetooth.
You cannot just connect GPS2IP to your computer to 'magically' have a GPS.
The software you use must be expressly designed to use BLE.
The operating system (Windows or Mac) will not see GPS2IP as a Bluetooth GPS.
SeaNav, for example, has been written to take advantage of BLE devices, like GPS2IP.
GPS2IP provides the Location and Navigation (0x1819) service, with the following characteristics:
Number | Name | Read | Notify | Specifications |
0x2A67 | Location and Speed Characteristic | 'Location and Speed Characteristic' | ||
0x2A68 | Navigation | 'Navigation' | ||
0x2A6A | LN Feature | 'LN Feature' |
When the icon is flashing, GPS2IP is advertising it's services.
This means other devices can see it, and subscribe to the data.
If there is a problem, the Bluetooth system can stop advertising. In that situation, the icon will be greyed out .
You can press that icon to start GPS2IP advertising again.
If the icon is solid blue - you have a connection with at least one other device.